The TearDrop is a space showing how interconnected we are as human beings. Everybody has a weight on their shoulders, regardless of how well they may hide the struggle. These stories are designed to help you understand that you are not alone.

Mackenzie Jerks Mackenzie Jerks


Here's your reason to stay. Suicide attempt survivor Carson walks us through the event that changed the rest of his life, addressing the emotions and pain that come with suicidal thoughts.

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Why “TearDrop”?

There are a lot of tears that come with depression, anxiety, etc. Whether the teardrops come from sadness, anger, or hopelessness, addressing your mental health is emotional. “TearDrop” also references the idea of a drop in a still body of water. No matter how small, a single drop creates ripples throughout a body of water. That’s the concept of the TearDrop; each story may be a small piece of human existence, but it has the potential to spread change far beyond what we can imagine.


The Purpose

The TearDrop aims to allow anyone interested to share their mental health experience. By doing so, we see just how connected we are when we get honest about our true feelings. Our featured guests also get an opportunity to express themselves unapologetically.


Who Is The TearDrop For?

Whether adding to the collection or simply reading the articles, the TearDrop is designed for everybody. The TearDrop builds a genuine community founded on empathy, showing how connected we are despite our differences. Long story short, DPRSD welcomes all (friendly) people.

Are you interested in sharing a story for the TearDrop?

Feel free to send us a message!