It always intrigues and brings me happiness to hear what inspires and motivates people to chase a personal passion fearlessly. Although constructing DPRSD wasn’t done fearlessly, I want every element of this brand to be transparent, including the motivation. 

A ton of “whys” and inspiration drove me to start DPRSD. 

But primarily, I wanted to build a community founded on emotional vulnerability. Because when we’re vulnerable, it creates a link built on empathy and love (two things the world always needs more of). 

I also wanted to give others a platform to share their story and help people in the process. Doing this sheds light on the numerous avenues of life our mental health affects. 

Additionally, I aimed to address the phrase “mental health.” These words often initiate feelings of discomfort, similar to that tension you feel riding an elevator with a stranger (which, like, why is that always so weird?). 

That’s my mission for DPRSD; breaking through that negative stigma to connect as many people as possible. As I reached out and uncovered stories from various individuals, I realized there’s so much we can learn from each other. 

There’s no denying that it’s becoming more socially acceptable to discuss mental health (which is so dope). And I want to be a part of this positive shift and show the value of emotional vulnerability. When we open up honestly, it sheds light on just how connected we are as human beings. 

Regarding my writing style for the TearDrop stories, I approached it as if I were talking to my past self when I was at my lowest point. When I was hella depressed and reached out for help, the resources I received presented mental health as something it wasn’t. The information was sugar-coated, ignoring the extent of emotional instability struggles like depression, anxiety, eating disorders, etc., have on the mind. 

Every aspect of DPRSD is designed to keep it real with you and your mental health. No covering up the revolting parts of it. No replacing agonizing feelings with lighter ones. Battling the dark parts of our brain can be disturbingly horrendous. But, there’s also so much potential beauty hidden in the process of climbing out of that darkness. 

DPRSD aims to show you that even though you may be in what seems like an unending conflict right now, there is promise, and there is a reason you’ve been placed in the universe. 

DPRSD also allows me to do something I love and am becoming more passionate about every day: fckn writing. The creation process has by no means been all smiles and good vibes. Thoughts of doubt, frustration, and negativity passed through my brain often (shoutout depression). But all that offered an opportunity for so much growth that I would never wish to replace. 

I’m so hype to continue sharing some of the emotive stories from some truly remarkable people with you! 

I’m overflowing with gratitude for the people I’ve worked with thus far and each and every one of you who has shown support. I appreciate all of it more than I can put into words (which is sad because, you know, I like to consider myself a writer). 





Make a Donation

The TearDrop is an integral part of the DPRSD brand; these individuals help create our genuine community of love and empathy. For each story, Jerksy has an open conversation with the featured guest, elects a creative direction, then writes and edits everything before your beautiful eyes see it. The process is fueled by an indescribable passion to construct something powerful enough to accurately describe the complexity of our mental health. So if you want to support DPRSD and ensure there are plenty of TearDrops to come, we graciously accept monetary contributions (and yes, $1 is donated).


