This week’s TearDrop is all good vibes, and I’m so amped to share this with y’all. It takes a lot of work (for some of us) to unearth and hold onto a healthy, positive mindset throughout life’s seasons. The inevitable pessimistic energy the world emits makes holding onto this precious gem even harder. If gone unmonitored, it’s easy to let outside conditions destroy a confident attitude. 

That’s the premise of this piece: effective learning solutions to protect and evolve your positive mentality. And I couldn’t have found a more qualified featured guest; Karl Casper. 

Karl is a walking source of motivational energy. Simply having a 30-minute conversation with him ignited a fire of ingenuity and excitement within my heart. One of the characteristics I respect most about Karl is his intention to lead by example. 

With focused attention on preserving a sound mental state, Karl has achieved (and continues to achieve) financial, spiritual, and personal success. 

As an SNSD (Senior National Sales Director) for Primerica, Karl helps individuals make informed financial decisions and then matches them with the best-suited insurance, investments, all that fun stuff. (jus a side note, many banks and insurance companies aren’t properly educating [or are straight-up lying to] y’all, so make sure you protect your money). 

Before I share the wisdom Karl dropped on me, I wanna address the fact that no matter where you are in life, there will always be a source of defeatist energy ready to consume you. It’s your choice to find the proper tools to rise above these conditions or let them crumple your soul like a piece of paper (so ostentatious, I know). 

One thing Karl continuously addressed during our conversation was attitude. Contrary to popular belief, our attitude and how we approach situations are entirely under our control. However, a cynical voice in the back of our heads will try to convince us to let go and allow a bad situation to direct our thought patterns. 

F*ck that voice. You always deserve genuine happiness in life and nothing less. 

3 Dope A** Ways To Preserve The Strong, Positive Mentality You Deserve 

1 || If you’re tryna strengthen your mental health, it all starts with surrounding yourself with people who will build you up. The people you spend time with reflect on the kind of person you’re destined to become. So if you’re chilling with losers all day, you’re about to become a scrub yourself (shoutout TLC). 

It prolly seems like common sense, right? But it can be hard to disassociate yourself from people who’ve been in your life for a minute. When it comes down to it, you have to ask if it’s worth it to let another person stand in the way of your happiness. 

2 || The second tactic Karl uses to maintain a positive outlook on life is listening to uplifting music, podcasts, and public speakers. The brain is a powerful muscle when it’s given the proper fuel. So as you deliberately listen to constructive messages, the way your brain thinks begins to shift.

3 || Even after we escape the mind-washing institution we call the education system (yeah, I have some opinions), it’s still vital we continue to read. Reading material from people who have accomplished what you’re striving for is KEY to staying positive and motivated. 

“Reading and listening are the same things, no?” 

The way the brain moves and processes information is vastly different when comparing listening to and reading material. For example, as you read this Grammarly-approved sentence, your brain transfers information from the subconscious into the conscious mind. 

As ideas and thoughts move to the conscious mind, we’re forced to actually deal with and acknowledge them. Whereas the subconscious allows us to bury all the shit we don’t really wanna deal with. 

“Work on yourself constantly. Your mind is the most powerful tool that you have access to,” - Karl Casper. 

As painless as it is to follow these three pieces of advice, they’re all equally as easy to ignore. Purposely carving out the time to scrutinize and work on yourself is something only you can do. No one can put in that effort for you. Take a little time each day to give your soul the love it deserves. 

Being given the opportunity to speak with someone as wise and authentic as Karl is something I cherish and hold close to my heart. I owe you a huge thank you, Karl, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to sit down with me and chat. There’s no doubt in my mind (which is sayin’ something) that the guidance you’ve provided will influence positive change. 

By reading and sharing this article, you're actively supporting the DPRSD brand, and I can't thank you enough for that. If you feel called to do so, spread some DPRSD vibes by hitting the share button. And if you're holding a life experience in your head you believe can positively influence others, please reach out to me. I'm always searching for more people to expand and solidify the DPRSD community. 





Make a Donation

The TearDrop is an integral part of the DPRSD brand; these individuals help create our genuine community of love and empathy. For each story, Jerksy has an open conversation with the featured guest, elects a creative direction, then writes and edits everything before your beautiful eyes see it. The process is fueled by an indescribable passion to construct something powerful enough to accurately describe the complexity of our mental health. So if you want to support DPRSD and ensure there are plenty of TearDrops to come, we graciously accept monetary contributions (and yes, $1 is donated).


“What’s Your Subtext Right Now?..”
