“What’s Your Subtext Right Now?..”

This week’s TearDrop is someone I hold very close to my heart. My late uncle, Jimi, acted as a continuous influence in every part of the DPRSD brand, from The TearDrop to the designs on the clothing to the audio at the start of our promo video. Jimi was the kind of artist I’m still striving to embody, an artist that’s fearless and unapologetic in their self-expression. 

For those who don’t know, Jimi passed away unexpectedly in 2014 due to an accidental overdose after battling bipolar depression and anxiety his entire life. At the time of his death, it was the first time I was forced to come face to face with an intense struggle with internal demons.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see him that often when Jimi was alive because he lived in L.A., and I grew up in Wisconsin (not a Packers fan, don’t @ me). To best capture Jimi’s essence, I was blessed to connect with one of his childhood friends, Don Dixon. Like Jimi, Don is an incredible artist, and they met at the Interlochen Center for the Arts in Michigan. 

As he did with most people, Jimi made an immediate positive impression on Don (dancing alone in his dorm room without a care in the world to the one and only Janet Jackson). Needless to say, it didn’t take long for the two to become best friends, spending nearly every moment of free time together. 

“So much of who I became is an imprint of him.” - Don Dixon. 

My conversation with Don evoked so many built-up emotions in both our hearts. We felt happiness remembering the natural way Jimi could make others laugh. We felt an appreciation for the bold way he expressed his emotions through art. And we both felt a small piece of our heart rebreak, knowing these memories are all we have of Jimi now. 

Going to a school that revolved around all things art, Jimi took every chance to expose his mind to all kinds of creativity. And no matter what form of artwork he pursued (acting, drawing, painting, music), Jimi expressed himself with nothing but the truth, even if it was painful. 

This fearless approach Jimi carried with him in every form of creation allowed him to excel in every kind of art effortlessly. And it takes a special kind of soul to do this. To excel in music, makeup, painting, drawing, acting, etc., is a rarity. 

As I further develop DPRSD, my goal is to dive into every possible avenue the art world offers and incorporate it into the brand. My uncle’s soul was beautiful and capable of expressing an emotional depth I’m still working to reach. And that’s why I felt called to incorporate this short story into The TearDrop and why I’m choosing to weave Jimi into DPRSD. Even though he’s not here physically, he’s still pushing me to become a more emotionally evolved writer and creator. 

I know in my heart if Jimi was still on the earth today, we’d be able to connect on a deep level emotionally through writing and music. As I incorporated Jimi’s unconventional artistic approach into the DPRSD streetwear line, I was able to feel connected with him and felt bursting happiness, knowing his creative spirit was about to be shared with the world. 

Before I wrap this up, I feel this internal urge to (hopefully) transform one of Don’s biggest regrets into a moment of enlightenment. While Jimi was living in L.A., Don was unable to carve time out of his schedule to visit, and this regret still looms over him. Let’s make time to spend valuable moments with the people we love. Life is a precious, unpredictable gift that can easily be taken for granted, so let’s make an effort to surround ourselves with the people we care about. 

Don, I can’t express the amount of gratitude my heart holds for you. Thank you for helping me get to know my uncle better. Thank you for helping me remember how bright his soul was. And thank you for being so fearless and expressive in everything you create today; Jimi would undoubtedly admire your work. 

A portion of my heart will always ache a little bit when I think about what life would’ve been like if Jimi was still here. I have a vivid picture in my mind of us writing and creating music together, which always makes me smile despite the implausibility. 

By reading and sharing this article, you're actively supporting the DPRSD brand, and I can't thank you enough for that. If you feel called to do so, spread some DPRSD vibes by hitting the share button. And if you're holding a life experience in your head you believe can positively influence others, please reach out to me. I'm always searching for more people to expand and solidify the DPRSD community.





Make a Donation

The TearDrop is an integral part of the DPRSD brand; these individuals help create our genuine community of love and empathy. For each story, Jerksy has an open conversation with the featured guest, elects a creative direction, then writes and edits everything before your beautiful eyes see it. The process is fueled by an indescribable passion to construct something powerful enough to accurately describe the complexity of our mental health. So if you want to support DPRSD and ensure there are plenty of TearDrops to come, we graciously accept monetary contributions (and yes, $1 is donated).


“We’re Jus 2 DPRSD B*tches”
